Family Tree We’ve Gone Virtual!
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Discover your Family History and start your family tree. Ancestry has thousands of family trees shared by other members. Watch your family story emerge, the more you add, the more hints you get and gradually your family story becomes clearer. |
Myrtleford Neighbourhood Centre Would like to announce, due to popular demand we are now able to step up our Genealogy Family Tree Classes. We now have tree building software and access to (worldwide)
Fridays 9.30AM TO 11.30AM
Everyone welcome No experience necessary
The Myrtleford Neighbourhood Centre is excited to announce that in 2021 we will be running 4 new genealogy courses alongside our Friday morning Family Tree sessions.
Term 1: Genealogy 101 – Starting out researching your ancestry. Always wanted to start researching your family tree but have no idea ho to? Have you been researching for years but wonder if there is more to learn. We will show you where to begin, what resources there are and how to use them, what info if found where, what are good research techniques and standards and how to put it all together into an online tree or paper tree.
Term 2: Genealogy 101 – Digging deeper into genealogical sources.
Term 3: Genetic Genealogy – Using DNA for unknown parentage.
Term 4: Genetic Genealogy – Using DNA for Genealogy and brick walls. The DNA course requires you to have your DNA completed as this will make it easier to teach you how to read your results.
Visit our Centre to Enrol or call 5752 2775